I was looking around at some of the things that my hosting company offers in their website control panel, and I stumbled onto some site statistics for takoyaki.org. One of the interesting stats is a list of the search keywords people have used in various search engines that brought them to my site. Here is a sampling:
: takoyaki
: takoyaki recipe
: takoyaki grill
: takoyaki gen
: okonomiyaki restaurant los angeles
: okonomiyaki los angeles
: funnel cake los angeles
: rent shibuya room
: chinese market in austin tx
: totoro store
: gaijin houses tokyo
: houses for foreigner japan gaijin house
: takoyaki los angeles
: japanese snacks takoyaki
: gaijin houses japan
: best dim sum in austin
: japanese cd’s
: r o slaw
I have been gathering some links for takoyaki information and recipes, so that people actually looking for takoyaki info will find at least a tiny bit of value with my site. 🙂 I will add them this weekend.