Waiting for Baby

I think we are just about set to welcome our new baby. I mean, the house is pretty much set. We moved a little furniture, cleaned up, although I still need to throw out tons of stuff, and got Bay’s old baby clothes ready for the new baby. It’s kind of strange, but I had forgotten so much of how to take care of a newborn. But it is all coming back now… getting the alcohol and q-tips ready for the bellybutton, newborn diapers, tiny bathtub by the sink, etc. We installed the infant car seat base in both cars, and washed the car seat cover. We have a good supply of diapers and wipes, and even got a new diaper genie (the greatest invention of all-time).

Yesterday there was a thunderstorm in the morning, and I thought the baby might come during. We heard that the delivery rooms start filling up during thunderstorms because it causes a lot of women to go into labor. In fact, one of our good friends had their baby during a thunderstorm. But, our baby decided to hang out a little longer in his cozy jacuzzi. 🙂 So now we wait…