I just started reading Contact by Carl Sagan last night. I have wanted to read it ever since I saw the movie back in… hmmm… I can’t remember. 97 or 98 I guess since I think it was in Japan. Anyways, the book is awesome. I have just started, but the background on Ellie and her growing up is fascinating. Her interest in the old radio and how the Soviet missions to Venus changed her are told so well, it really kept me reading and reading until it was way too late for me to be up. I thought the movie was good, but I can tell that the book is going to add so much more.
I’ve been a big Carl Sagan fan ever since I saw Cosmos on PBS when I was a kid. That series was so awesome! I was stoked when they showed it again a year or so ago. My favorite scenes were when he is explaining the history of the universe in the time scale of a single year. And then when he sits down and slides into a black hole, that was so cool!