#1 Blog Entry Subject

I think the most popular subject for a blog post has to be a site re-design. Either the warning that the site will be re-designed, and sorry for the incovenience, or an explanation that the site has been re-designed. I sometimes wonder if anyone cares. At any rate, I have been guilty of re-designing every once in a while, and posting about it. With control over your own webpage and design, why not have some creative fun and mix it up once in a while? I often find myself finding designs that I really like, and try to incorporate some of the ideas into mine. A couple of the websites I used as inspiration are:

Antipixel – Love the background image and the little icon used for each entry.

EXP – Simple and elegant.

Vudeja – Although the new design is nice, I prefer the old 3-column design (linked) and the way the photos are presented.