Spinach or Flamethrower?

So I was on my commute to work this morning, sitting at a stoplight and something caught my eye. It was written on the side of a Wendy’s, in fluorescent green, yellow, and orange letters: SPINACH. That caught me by surprise. How times have changed. Spinach used to be considered (and I think still is) by kids to be the worst vegetable. Maybe brussel sprouts is just as loathed. At any rate, Wendy’s was calling attention to their Spinach and Chicken Salad, which doesn’t sound too bad. Except when I go to Wendy’s, I’m thinking “burger”. Then later on in my commute, I passed a DairyQueen. On the side of their restaurant was a banner that read “Flamethrower Belt-buster Burger”. Now that’s more like it!