Old Film

A couple days ago I found a couple rolls of Kodak Tri-X in by camera cabinet. I don’t know when I exposed those, but I will find out today. I had them developed and contact sheets made. It’s always kind of fun to find out what is on those mystery rolls.

I am hoping that soon I will be rid of film altogether. As much as I love my old cameras, I don’t like paying for the processing. Each time I press the shutter, I feel like I am emptying out my wallet. I guess since I have been so used to creating “free” images with our Olympus E-10, I have shifted my perspective. But, if I figure in the cost of buying the digital cameras versus using the old cameras and film, maybe the film would have been cheaper? I guess having a digital means I can be a little more liberal with snapping several shots at a time, especially of the kids. I always was kind of jealous of when you see a pro photographer taking shot after shot and not thinking of the cost of developing.

Hmm, let’s see. My 2004 folder on my computer has 1445 pictures in it. My 2003 folder has 4370. Let’s take the price for developing (no prints) a 24 exposure roll at Walgreens, which is $1.49. (4370/24) x 1.49=271.30. $271.30? Wow. Keep in mind, those pictures were taken with a liberal “digital style” of shooting (which I love).