Damn you iTunes!

So I have been ripping lots of cd’s to mp3’s on my computer, and my music collection is at 17GB. I have lots of Japanese cd’s and WinXP does a great job of handling Japanese filenames and tags. But then I started up iTunes, with the “rearrange music library” option turned on, and it royally screwed up my library. Now most of the Japanese songs/folders are not in Japanese anymore, but have been transformed to “moji-bake”, as seen in the screen capture above. Luckily it didn’t mess with the tags embedded in the files, so if I browse my library with Media Player or iTunes, I can see the Japanese information. But it’s still kind of lame. I gotta find another program that can fix it. Media Player has the option to rearrange/rename files based on the tags, but it doesn’t seem to work. I wonder if there is another utility that can do it?