A couple years ago, I installed a little application called The Weatherbug. It was cool. It was a window that would show the current weather conditions in your area, plus forecasts, radar, etc. It also let you know if there were any severe weather alerts, which is nice for Austin because we have flood warnings, tornado warnings, and strong thunderstorms. The problem was that it had lots of banner ads. When I got a new computer at work, I didn’t reinstall The Weatherbug.
But now, there is a cool Firefox extension called ForecastFox which sits in one of the browser’s toolbars (I have mine in the status bar at the bottom of the browser) and shows the current conditions, and forecasts up to several days (configurable). When you hover your mouse over one of the days/nights, it gives you a little more detail. It’s unobtrusive, lightweight, and free. It’s great!