Baseball Fantasy

I am so excited about Baseball season starting soon. I got in my car the other day to go home, and I turned on the radio (AM 1300 The Zone) and heard the final inning of a UT Austin vs. UT San Antonio game. It was great. I don’t like UT, or college sports in general, but it was great to hear the baseball lingo again.

Today the Fantasy Baseball leagues at Yahoo! opened for business, and I joined two leagues. One is a pickup league, with a Rotisserie style format, and the other is the normal Head-to-Head league that I normally play in with my bro and a couple friends. Last year I was the champion of the Head-toHead league, and this year I am hoping to repeat. I have never played in a Rotisserie league before, but I heard it is pretty fun, so I am looking forward to that.