Cub Frustration

Last night I was working on my C70, trying to secure the back part of my front fender to the suspension bolts. I took off one of the bolts, only to discover that whoever put it on before, used the wrong size bolt. It got totally stripped… So now I gotta order a new bolt. I swear this whole fender thing is killing me. I am just going to use the red one I got, which fits without modification, and paint the rest of the bike red. I just have to scrape off the white paint that I put on it earlier. Plus the rack I got is red. Another plus for red is that it will be easy to find a matching spray paint. I like red too. It’s nice.

The CT90 rack fits on nicely, with the two bolts on the side matching the C70’s mounting holes perfectly. The front is not secured, it just rests on the little screw, but it is pretty secure and tight. This pic is just a little photoshop work to see what different colors would look like on the blue bike.

This is the way I “fixed” the hi-beam switch. I just screwed a tiny screw-eye into the plastic to replace the switch that had sheared off. I just need to find a way to cover it so it looks less DIY.

Here’s a picture of the white side covers. I think they look pretty nice with the seat.

Just a B&W pic of my bike. (because you can see the rust if it were in color!)