Gmail is F*!@ed Up

So, I haven’t been able to login correctly to my gmail account for a couple days. Today I tried my browser on my desktop at home, and got in, I am guessing because of a stored cookie. Anyways, I went to the account settings page and saw that the secondary email address had changed to some random hotmail email address, and the First Name was “Modern”, Last Name “Mode”. All my old email and labels were gone. But some new email was there, including some of my newsgroup subscriptions.

I am not sure what is going on, but I can think of three possiblities:

1) a glitch in the gmail system
2) someone guessed my password
3) Koa somehow removed my account

I am hoping it is #1, but I have a hunch it was #3. Koa has a way of doing the maximum damage with the minimum effort. For instance, in a split second, he can put three fingers on the keyboard and shut down the system. I am not sure what keys he pressed. It looked like a combination of mouse button, C and Space. There must be some child-proof prompt or dialog box, though, when you remove an entire gmail account, right? And if someone found out my password, and was changing settings, I would think that gmail would send an email to my secondary email address notifying me that my account was updated. Well, we will see what happens. Like I mentioned earlier, I am still able to get into that account on one of my machines, so I have taken screenshots of it, and sent those to the gmail support team.

Luckily, I wasn’t using gmail to keep any really important information. I used it mainly as a place where I send my newsgroup emails to so I can read them all in one place. I guess it’s kind of sobering to think that if I was using gmail for important emails or addresses, all that info would now be gone. Gmail is still in “beta”, so what can you expect, I suppose.