Mario Kart DS

The latest game I got for the Nintendo DS is Mario Kart. It’s really a fantastic racing game, so simple and fun, plus the wifi connectivity really gives it a big bonus! There are tons of tracks to race on, many I recognize from the N64 version of the game, but the rest of them are new to me. The graphics are great, the sound is nice, and the action is exciting. When you race against other people via Nintendo Wifi, the adrenaline really gets going! The only lame part about it is that some people must have unlocked the special cars, and leave me in the dust. It doesn’t help that I suck anyways, but when I am at the starting line, and my opponent has a funky robot-car that looks like Short Circuit, I know the race is already over. But, I still race and complete all the tracks, unlike others who will just disconnect if they feel they are overmatched. That’s no good either. Anyways, most of the races have been really fun. I’m glad I got this game, but the bad thing is that Mariko loves the game too, so I have to share the DS!