One of the cool things about our impending move is that we will have access to all of our stuff again! Right now it’s in storage, and I have been missing a few things.
First, all of my old camera gear will be neat to play with. All my film stuff is in a box somewhere, and I am itching to play with my Holga toy camera. Also on the camera front, our studio lighting will be great to use again, especially getting back into Mariko’s food photography. I need to think about where is the best place to keep the lights and umbrellas!
The Nintendo Gamecube has been missed… Now that I am fully engrossed in Animal Crossing for the DS, I’d like to play the Gamecube version again.
A real toaster/toaster oven. We left our old one in our previous house, and haven’t bought a new one yet, since there is just no space in our apartment. The only way to make toast right now is in the oven, which is overkill, don’t you think?
Refrigerator with side-by-side doors and ice/water dispenser. Our apt fridge has the freezer on top, with no shelving. It’s a real adventure opening the door to it, because there is always a danger of an avalance of frozen goodies coming down, and ultimately smashing toes. The water dispenser is mostly missed by me, because tend I drink a lot of water. Also, we will have our big freezer back, which will be in the utility room. This is going to make preparing meals in advance much easier! There are lots of things we like to cook in big batches, and freeze half for later.
Speakers. We bought a nice home theater system from some good friends who returned to Japan, but the speakers are a bit weak. I have four decent speakers in storage, and I can’t wait to attach them to the Dolby Digital receiver and crank it up!
I would like to see Star Wars Episode II again (and do I dare watch Episode I?), which is also in storage.
Tools and parts for my Honda C70 will be good to have again. Not only that, but the space to work on the bike is going to be great! I am planning on tearing it all apart, so I can properly paint the frame. Should be lots of fun.
Lastly, with access to a water hose and driveway, I can finally wash our cars.