Today Mikey, Koa, and I went to the Satsuki Matsuri, which was held at the Zilker Botanical Gardens. There were a few live “shows’, such as a kendo demonstration, traditional dancing, and taiko drumming, but the crowd was too big for us to see much. Actually, the space was too small, and so it seemed too crowded. There were some food vendors there as well, but most were Chinese it seemed, including HongKong market and Momoko. Maiko sushi had some food there also, and it looked the best. Along with their sushi rolls, they had gyu-don, which looked great! I had already eaten, so I didn’t get to try… We did get some ice cream and snacks, but were disappointed that there wasn’t any beer! Although the matsuri wasn’t the best, it was still fun, and hanging out with Mikey and Koa was cool.