Perfect Father’s Day

I had a great Father’s Day yesterday! It started out early, with Bay nudging me awake at about 7:00, whispering, “Papa, Papa!”. I looked over and asked him what was the matter. He said, “Happy Father’s Day” and then went back to sleep. It was pretty darned cool. A half hour or so later, I heard them all go downstairs and they left me to sleep an extra hour. What a bonus! When I finally made my was downstairs, Bay gave me a card and my gift, which was a great cookbook of donburi dishes. Mariko knows I love donburi, and now I can’t wait to try making some of the dishes in the cookbook. Next, I had my morning coffee and relaxed in front of the tv.

Mariko told me earlier that she would be making brisket, corn on the cob, potato salad, and sausage for dinner, so I was looking forward to that all day. We went to the supermarket to buy all the food, then came home and the boys and I played and watched tv while Mariko prepared the food. I even was able to watch an episode of Trick on my laptop! Around 6pm we had the big bbq feast. The bbq brisket was excellent, and I ate it on homemade rolls, with bbq sauce, pickle slices, and onions. The corn on the cob was sweet, and the potato salad was perfect. I was stuffed!!! That evening, the kids fell asleep early because they didn’t have their naps, and I got to play computer games until midnight. That’s pretty much a perfect Father’s Day!