New Keitai

My new phone and phonestrap. I am not sure what the phonestrap character is, but I think I saw someone had it on her phone in a dorama I watched recently. I really like the Razr. The interior display is really bright and colorful.

New D’Backs Logo/Uni’s

My friend Ryan just sent me a link to an article with pics of the new uniforms for the Arizona Diamondbacks. I think they are pretty lame. I mean, it seems like every other team uses red. From the back, it looks like an Angels uni. And the new typeface for the front looks so Conan. I thought the old purple was OK, but more importantly, looked like the D’Backs. The new red unis just look like, well, the Angels or Reds, could be the Phillies, or the Nationals, or possibly the Astros, or maybe the Rangers, ore even the Cards. I think the D’Backs needed to stick with the old uniforms… build some tradition like the Dodgers, Yankees, Giants uni’s and colors.

Cold Weather

One good thing about cold weather is that I can wear a jacket, and therefore have lots of pockets to put my shit stuff in. Kinda sucks when the weather is warm and I have to stuff my wallet, cell phone, keys, and iPod into my jeans pockets.

Bye-bye Mac Guy?

Here’s a funny article about the Apple ads, and the fact that the Mac guy won’t be back. My favorite line: “Why was Long dropped, specifically? Perhaps for striking people as a “smug little twit,” in the words of Seth Stevenson, ad critic for Slate.” They do go on to say that the PC guy was likeable in his own goofy way. It will be interesting to see the new ads, which will still feature the PC guy.

The Chills

Yesterday I was outside watching the kids play in the cul-de-sac as the sun went down, and it was starting to get a little chilly. When we came inside, I couldn’t warm up, and started feeling the chills. Last night I couldn’t sleep well, and was feeling very warm (didn’t need a blanket) and had to pee every couple hours, even though I didn’t have much to drink. Plus I was really thirsty. This morning I still have the chills, though not as bad, and my body is sore and achy all over. Even my hands are sore. I am wondering if it is allergies or something. Anyway, I don’t have a runny nose or anything. Hopefully I will be feeling better later today.