I saw this Childhood Survey at Manny’s blog.
Mark the things that you have:
[x> A mother
[x> A father
[> Stepbrother
[> Stepsister
[> A younger brother.
[> A younger sister.
[xx> An older brother.
[> An older sister.
[> Grandfather
[x> Grandmother
[x> Cousins
[> Half brother
[> Half sister
[> A twin
01. Are you a child of the 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s?
Definitely 80’s
02. Where were you born?
Redondo Beach, California
03. If you were born in another country how old were you when you moved to the country you live in now?
04. What city did you grow up in?
Torrance, CA
05. Did you enjoy your childhood?
Yep. I got along great with my brothers and parents and had some good friends.
06. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wrote down Football Player in my My Book About Me.
07. Favorite toy line?
I loved Micronauts, but was seriously into Star Wars as well.
08. Name the first memorable vacation you took as a kid?
I guess it was trips to Hawai’i to visit my grandparents.
09. What was your first best friend’s name?
Dean. He lived next door. We had tons of fun playing electric football.
10. Are you still friends?
Although we haven’t seen each other since UCI, I still consider us friends.
11. How did you meet?
We lived next door to each other.
12. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
La Primera Preschool, Hickory Elementary, Torrance High School, UC Irvine.
13. Who was your first crush?
I don’t remember. Maybe my 4th grade teacher, Miss Baker. Rumor had it that she was in Playboy. Woo-woo!
14. Were you closer to your Mom or Dad as a kid?
Probably my Mom, but I was close with Dad too.
15. Do you have any embarrassing school stories to share?
In 1st grade, class was almost out for the day, and I thought I could “hold it” until the bell rang, but I couldn’t. The bell rang, and everyone left, but I just stood there in a little puddle. Not sure if anyone knew. I was embarrased nonetheless, and the teacher actually drove me home.
16. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
I remember riding my bike back from Licorice Pizza holding Pretenders II. But I think I already had Star Wars and other Galactic Funk.
17. What was your favorite food to eat?
I loved the burgers my Dad used to bbq in the backyard.
18. How old is a good age to have kids?
I think it is important to traveled the world as much as possible with your spouse before you have kids. But you don’t want to wait too long otherwise you will too old when the kids want to rough-house. When my kids go into college, I’ll be around 50, which seems about right.
19. Were you scared of anything?
Heights, and still am.
20. What was your favorite class in Elementary school?
I liked Math because it was easy. It became difficult for me in High School, however.
21. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
Mostly brought a lunch from home, but occasionally got food at the cafeteria (the “Caff”).
22. Broke any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
My friend Brandon and I collided during flag-football and I had to get stitches above my left eye.
23. Been in a school play?
The Hobbit. I was one of three goblins, and the fight scene was so lame because the three of us were up against a million dwarves. Anyone who knows the book knows that we still pwn3d them dwarves.
25. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
We played guns a lot.
26. Ever got grounded?
Don’t think so.
27. Seriously are you still just a kid at heart?
Oh yeah.
28. What was your Favorite memory at the “Roller Coaster”?
I loved the Gold Rusher at Magic Mountain.
29. Had any glasses, or piercings?
I got my first glasses in Japan in ’97. No piercings.
30. Would you relive your childhood if given the chance?
Not the entire thing, but certain parts, of course! I’d make damn sure I visited the boys room before the bell rang.