Himitsu no Hanazono (ヒミツの花園)

I finished episode 3 of Himitsu no Hanazono (ヒミツの花園), and it is getting good. Each of the characters is pretty interesting, especially the oldest brother, Kataoka Wataru, who is the most mature, but seems to have some kind of internal struggle since he is the father figure of the family (their parents died early) and gave up part of his dreams in order to raise the family. He is the quietest and most thoughtful of the four, and the one you would trust most. Plus there is a love interest between him and the main character, Tsukiyama Kayo, but I am not sure how far that will go. It’s just too perfect. There are also a few wildcard characters thrown into the mix, like the youngest brother’s rival, and his friend, who is attracted to the oldest brother. It sounds confusing, and might get pretty complicated later, which is great since previous dorama I have seen recently were pretty flat plotwise.

On another note, the theme song “Baby Don’t Cry” by Amuro Namie is fantastic. It’s nice when a good dorama has a good theme song, and even nice when a bad dorama has a good theme song, such was the case of Sapuri. The other dorama I am watching with great interest is Hana Yori Dango 2, and the insert song is super as well: “Flavor of Life” by Utada Hikaru.