Went to IKEA yesterday to have some breakfast and do a little shopping. For those of you complaining that it is too damned crowded at IKEA, just go Sunday morning. I guess everyone is at church, because at 10am, we got to park right by the entrance. At the cafe, there were only a few families, so no waiting. And we could feed the family for $7.73. That was two “big breakfasts”, two coffees, and two chocolate milks. Not bad, even though the eggs were the consitency of silicone. Tasted good, though. Anyways, after that, we put Bay in the little playland area, and he had fun with the other kids while Koa, Mariko and I shopped. Koa would have enjoyed it, except there is a rule that the kids need to be potty-trained: no diapers or pullups. So he got to ride in the shopping cart with us, and he did pretty good. When we left at about 12:45pm, it still wasn’t too crowded, although the parking lot was getting full.