Be Careful Backing Up!!!

This story about a dad who ran over his daughter is so sad. At first I was about to rail against those giant trucks/suv’s, but I just feel so bad for the family. I guess having two young kids around that age makes me think about what that dad must be going through. I can imagine Koa running out of the house in order to say goodbye to one of us as we back out of the garage, and getting hit and/or run over, and it just makes me feel sick. The line from the story that really got to me was:

Fennell attributed several such accidents to the “bye-bye syndrome,” in which the driver believes the child is inside a residence but does not notice that the child has run out in a last-second attempt to ride along or to give one more goodbye kiss.

“The time it takes for (drivers) to buckle up and get mirrors set, the little one darts behind and they don’t understand the driver can’t see them,” Fennell said.

Please remember to check behind and back up slowly!

Article is here