Wow, talk about a cliffhanger! This series is consistently great, but I do have one gripe about it. During the title sequence, when they are showing the credits and play the theme song, they throw in some scenes from the episode. This is bad. If I don’t want to know what happens later, I gotta look away quickly, but I often forget, and see some spoilers. It’s a minor annoyance, but still… and then at the end, they will throw in a preview of next week’s episode. That also sucks, but I can usually remember to look away or turn off the video before I see anything revealing. Actually, they do these spoilers on most dramas, I guess it’s kind of the norm.
Anyways, this dorama is almost over, and the main plot, as well as the subplots are set up to conclude shortly. The last big secret is supposed to be revealed. It’s a strange drama, because there are three secrets, not just the obvious one that we know about from the first episode.