I don’t remember these guys when I used to live in California, but here in Texas, the pest control salesmen are out in full force when the weather starts warming up. In the past 2 weeks, we have had four salesmen come by trying to get us to sign up with their service, which usually consists of spraying the perimeter of the house with some kind of poison that is supposed to keep away the ants, spiders and scorpions. It’s pretty funny because these guys always have the same spiel. “Many of your neighbors have noticed lots of ants and spiders in the past few days. We’re having a special for your neighborhood right now…” blah blah blah. They try to shift the conversation to who is handling your pest control, and then something like, “well, we can beat their price.” I usually just politely say, “Thanks but no thanks” as I shut the door.
But some of these guys are really shady. At our old house, I could swear that one of them sprayed some kind of sugar solution under our front door, then appeared to sell us their service a couple days later. There was this little stain that ran from the weather stripping under our door and into our living room about 8 feet in, and the ants were all over it. You could tell that someone squirted something in using a little tube or something. That reminds me of another service, which is a cat and dog poop disposal service. A friend of mine said they saw some dude throwing dog poo into their neighbor’s backyard. Then a couple days later the salesmen showed up to “help” them with their problem. It’s a tough business I guess.