Yesterday evening I was eagerly awaiting a nice pasta and mussels dinner Mariko was cooking, when I suddenly got the symptoms of an oncoming migraine headache. I had about 20 minutes or so before I knew I would be in a world of hurt. Plus I usually get nauseau right between when my blind spot goes away and the migraine hits. But the mussels looked so good that I said “screw it!” and ate a few before heading upstairs to a darkened bedroom to await my fate. Luckily I didn’t get any nauseau, but was in pain from about 6pm – 10pm when I finally fell asleep in the guest bedroom. The headache wasn’t as bad as previous migraines, but was still enough to be considered “disabling”. By that I mean you cannot possibly do anyting other than lie there moaning and writhing in pain. Basically the only thing for me to do when a migraine hits is to try to fall asleep, which can take a while, especially if it is in the daytime. Today I feel drained of energy and I can still feel a tiny headache if I shake my head.
For those of you who say you have migraines, but are not sure… then it probably is just a bad headache, not a real migraine. Because if you have a real one, you will know without a doubt. Just be thankful that you don’t have to suffer through the agony of a migraine, and if someone you know is having one, the best thing for them is to have some quiet or soothing sounds, and be in a dark room, maybe with a cool wet towel on their foreheads.