Aiko and Kanayama-san
The show continues to be entertaining. It’s turning out to be the kind of story I thought it was going to be, with the romance part happening slowly and the father’s acceptance kind of progressing along at a slow pace. The work part of the story is typical J-dorama fare, with some office politics and the inexperienced assistant’s dedication saving the day. I am always amazed how the writing can be so similar in all of these dorama. I guess I am attracted to the same types of story, so I tend to see the same plot devices over and over again. Still, it’s fun to watch. And there is a nice scene at Aiko’s house where her coworkers come over for a suprise dinner, and one of the girls gets totally hammered. It’s always fun to see a cute girl drunk.
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous review of the show is that one of my favorite actresses from Hana Yori Dango, Nishihara Aki 西原亜希 has a part in Hanayome to Papa. She’s Aiko’s sempai Kanayama Hatsune, and she’s kind of a bitch in these two episodes, but she comes around and it looks like they will have a good working relationship after all, since Aiko kind of saved her ass from being fired. Anyways, I await more subtitles so I can continue this series! In the meantime, I might have to watch some more Liar Game.