Show’N Tell by GE

When I was a little kid growing up in the 70’s, I had this cool record player that also showed slides. It was called the “Show’N Tell”, and it was awesome. I can’t for the life of me remember what stories I had, but it was such fun to listen to the records and have the slides automatically change. I also remember that the little plastic knob on the right came off and I would chew on that sucker while watching/listening to the story.

While the stories were fun, it was hilarious to put a record on, then turn the speed down to 16 rpm, then up through 33, 45 then to chipmunk-style 78 rpm. Maybe even more fun than that was putting an army man on the turntable and cranking that sucker up to 78rpm. Oh the memories!

Friday’s Feast


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?



What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?



Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?

No. I’d need prescription sunglasses, and it’s just a hassle to get.

Main Course

If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?

It depends on the subject. But probably family members.


Name a beverage that you enjoy.

Beer, Wine, Water (in that order)