Category Archives: Uncategorized

N!xau Dies

The star of The Gods Must Be Crazy died recently. Here is an article about him. If you haven’t seen the movie, you really should. It is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. The first time I saw it, I was with two friends. It was so bizarre that we had to watch it again right after. We were rolling on the floor rewinding parts and viewing over and over! The sequel was not nearly as funny… Now if only they would release the movie on dvd!

[via Rand]

The Incredibles

Have you seen the trailer for this Pixar movie? The Incredibles is scheduled to be out in November 2004 (too far off!). Although the trailer doesn’t reveal much about the plot, it kind of sets the tone. Looks like it’s going to be totally funny! The trailer is simple, but hilarious.

[via Matt]

Nasty Weather Today

Usually it’s sunny and bright driving into work. This morning it was dark and grey. Everyone had their headlights on. When I arrived at work, the clouds were looking particularly evil, although the rain had not yet started. It is raining now, and lightning is hitting right outside my window.

Baseball in Austin

Tonight my friend Ryan and I went to see the Round Rock Express play against the Midland Rockhounds at the Dell Diamond. It was a pretty good game, with the Express winning the game 8-0. There was a pretty small crowd, which made it nice because there were a lot of open seats and you could stretch out. Plus, beer was cheap (Thursday night special). A big cup of Fosters was $3.00 (normally $5.75). Right after the Express scored the first run, there was a loud noise of a train running by the stadium. I thought it was something special that the stadium does after each run they score. Sort of like the homerun apple appearing in Shea Stadium. But, it turns out that it was a real train with good timing. Anyways, the Dell Diamond is a pretty nice stadium for double-A baseball. The prices are pretty expensive for what you get compared to other cities, but that seems to be par for the course for Austin.

Mother’s Day

Today we went to Fonda San Miguel for Mother’s Day Brunch. It was really awesome! This was the second time we went there for brunch. We dined on Mexican delicacies such as chilequiles, ceviche, lamb, carne guisada, barbacoa, etc. We were stuffed by the time we left. The restaurant is really nice inside, too, with great decorations, nice paintings, and a talking parrot. Bay was a little scared of the parrot.