Category Archives: Uncategorized

First Pictures with new Flash

I finally got my Alien Bees beginner kit, and it’s very cool! Here’s some pics I took while testing. The first picture is with the umbrella reflector doing a direct bounce. The second picture is with the reflector doing a diffused bounce. The third picture is using the on-camera flash.

Nomo to the Devil Rays

Hideo Nomo signed a minor-league contract with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays a couple days ago. He had a lackluster season with the Dodgers last year, and nobody expected that he would be back this year. I am hoping he does well, however. I always liked Nomo, and went to see him pitch a couple times back in the day. Mariko and I even went to see a Freeway Series preseason game at Dodger Stadium back in ’97 and he pitched a few innings. He’s the player who brought sushi and Sapporo beer to Dodger Stadium. For that we should all be thankful.

[pic via Rand via”]

Dodgers ’05 Season = Over

Last year, they let LoDuca go. They let Mota go. This offseason they let Finley go. The let Beltre go. Soon it looks like Green is gone. And they pick up Jeff Kent? The Dodgers are done. Frank McCourt & Co. need to be driven off the Santa Monica Pier. I can’t believe they even let Ross Porter (longtime Dodger announcer) go. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vin Scully throws his arms up in disgust and quits. My new prediction is Dodgers: 4th place (hoping they can still beat the Rockies)

Check out my favorite site,, for details. Also, here’s a nice story about the Dodgers at MSNBC, and an even better commentary by Bill Plaschke at L.A.