This is so great. I have been listening to it ever since I got the link.
[link via Chris]
No more names on the back of the Dodger uniforms next year. It will be just like the pre-1972 style. I like the idea!
My friend Chris sent me a link to the Urban Dictionary. More specifically, he sent me to definition #2 of the word “Asshat”, and its awesome example. (in italics)
[link via Chris]
So, the Dodgers lost last night, being eliminated from the playoffs by the St. Louis Cardinals. It was pretty much expected, though, so I am not too disappointed. The year was a good one for the Dodgers: winning the NL West and breaking the streak of 8 straight playoff losses. Hopefully next year the team will have some better pitching, a catcher who can hit, and keep the core group of hitters. And I hope that Ross Porter won’t be let go, as the rumors are indicating. At any rate, I will be rooting for the Astros to beat the Braves tonight, then go on to the World Series against Boston. Hey, it could happen! 🙂
[photo: Robert Gauthier / L.A. Times]
Last night I finished another Agatha Christie “Hercule Poirot” mystery, this time it was “Three Act Tragedy”. I have to say, this one was my favorite so far. Much of the story does not have Poirot leading the story, but three other characters try to solve the mystery. Only towards the end does Poirot come in and work his magic. I was up until 3:50am finishing this one, and now I am tired…
A couple friends and I started a league using Yahoo! Fantasy Sports. If you’d like to join the league, just follow the instructions below. It’s free (you do need to use your free Yahoo! member ID) and should be fun. My team is called Squanto’s Army. I am going to dominate this season. 🙂 Here are the instructions from the Yahoo! email:
League ID#: 239360
Password: Balco
We will send you a confirmation with further details once you have completed the registration process.
My friend and I were talking about eBooks, and he tipped me off to Project Gutenberg. You can find many free copyright-expired eBooks to download. Most are pre-1923, so you won’t find the latest, but you can get lots of Shakespeare, Poe, etc. I found Lafcadio Hearn, which I always wanted to read.
[via Rich]
this bit about Dodger Stadium on the Los Angeles Dodgers website and thought it was interesting:
This would be a cool system for my backyard. Speaking of which, I was doing some yardwork yesterday when a snake slithered out of the rocks, then slithered back into the rocks. It scared the bejeezus out of me!
[pic from “2002 Two Guys & a Map Midlife Crisis Tour”]
Andy Raskin created this story about Ramen Jiro, a ramen shop in Tokyo, for All Things Considered. Have a listen! It makes me hungry for ramen.
[via Mariko]