The Trilogy


So it seems as though the original Star Wars trilogy is coming out on DVD. I can’t wait to get it. I am a big Star Wars fan, mostly because I was nine years old when I saw the first one, and I was nuts for it. I think when the second one came out, I was losing interest, but I thought it was still really cool. Then when the third movie came out, I was more interested in girls than sci-fi. At any rate, I suppose I am a pretty typical fan. I hate the ewoks, I think it sucks that all the cool villains get killed to easily, and I wished that the Empire would have won. Or am I in the minority on that last point?

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center


Tomorrow we will be heading to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The bluebonnets are starting to cover the Austin landscape, so there should be plenty of flowers to see. Also, childrens’ book author Eric Carle will be there, so we are going to take one of Bay’s books to get signed. The Center is really nice, with large gardens to stroll around, and a nice building with gift shop, classrooms and theater. It should be fun!

Traffic Problems


This morning there was an accident on I-35 south at Wells Branch, and it closed the southbound lanes. Consequently, it took me an hour and fifteen minutes to drop off Bay at his school, which is only six miles away. The funny thing is, we don’t even take I-35. We cross underneath it. But the whole area is completely messed up. I heard it took one of our friends almost four hours to get to work. With no traffic, it would take about 20 minutes, I would think. And she left home at 6am. Ugh.

As bad as the traffic was, I shouldn’t complain. I would imagine that the person whose car was destroyed didn’t make it…

Minolta Lens

I put my old Minolta AF 70-210mm f/4 lens on my 507si body and took a couple pics. Man, this is a great lens! It’s got a constant f/4 aperture, and is very sharp, but the autofocusing is real slow, and it is a heavy lens. Using a tripod with this lens is a must, especially when zoomed to 210mm. I can’t wait for the Minolta Digital SLR to come out so I can try this lens on it. It’s no fun taking a picture, then waiting for the film to be developed. Not to mention having to take all 24 or 36 photos before even taking the film to the developer! I have been spoiled by my digital cameras, I suppose.

Fantasy Baseball Anyone?

A couple friends and I started a league using Yahoo! Fantasy Sports. If you’d like to join the league, just follow the instructions below. It’s free (you do need to use your free Yahoo! member ID) and should be fun. My team is called Squanto’s Army. I am going to dominate this season. 🙂 Here are the instructions from the Yahoo! email:

In order to join the league, just go to, click the “Sign Up Now” or “Get Another Team” button and follow the links to “Join a Custom League”. When prompted, enter the League ID# and password below.

League ID#: 239360
Password: Balco

We will send you a confirmation with further details once you have completed the registration process.

Waiting for Baby

I think we are just about set to welcome our new baby. I mean, the house is pretty much set. We moved a little furniture, cleaned up, although I still need to throw out tons of stuff, and got Bay’s old baby clothes ready for the new baby. It’s kind of strange, but I had forgotten so much of how to take care of a newborn. But it is all coming back now… getting the alcohol and q-tips ready for the bellybutton, newborn diapers, tiny bathtub by the sink, etc. We installed the infant car seat base in both cars, and washed the car seat cover. We have a good supply of diapers and wipes, and even got a new diaper genie (the greatest invention of all-time).

Yesterday there was a thunderstorm in the morning, and I thought the baby might come during. We heard that the delivery rooms start filling up during thunderstorms because it causes a lot of women to go into labor. In fact, one of our good friends had their baby during a thunderstorm. But, our baby decided to hang out a little longer in his cozy jacuzzi. 🙂 So now we wait…

Still Growing Up

It’s funny, but I notice that our friends and I are all going through the same things in life. Most are married, or getting married, and many have kids. I think right now, I know about five or six people/couples that are expecting a baby! And I know a few couples who have just gotten married or are engaged. It’s pretty wild to think that five years can make such a difference in a person’s life.

Anyways, I am really liking “growing up”. 🙂 We were at our friends house on Saturday for dinner, and the kids (two 2 1/2-year olds and a 3-year old) were enjoying running around in the backyard and playing in the sandbox and I found myself talking to my friend about the differences between St. Augustine grass and Bermuda… Then later we told them that we just bought a new mini-van (Honda Odyssey, and it is awesome) and we talked about our minivans (we each have one). So funny. It’s a fun time right now, and I am enjoying my family life a lot!

Sushi Party

Tonight we went to a friend’s house to eat sushi and relax. It was really tasty! There was a big bowl of sushi rice, lots of nori, and some good “fixin’s”: unagi, salmon, saba, maguro, ebi, cucumber, avocado, and shiso. We ate so much, and had a really good time.