I love my new Anpanman potty!!!
Project Gutenberg
My friend and I were talking about eBooks, and he tipped me off to Project Gutenberg. You can find many free copyright-expired eBooks to download. Most are pre-1923, so you won’t find the latest, but you can get lots of Shakespeare, Poe, etc. I found Lafcadio Hearn, which I always wanted to read.
[via Rich]
Monday Michiru
Here’s a nice song for you all: “When I’m With You [Moonlight Mix>” by Monday Michiru. I started listening to her in ’95 and really liked her stuff. I never got to see her in person, but maybe someday. Anyways, I really like the bassline in this remixed version. And here’s a link to her official website. Enjoy!
Time to Cut the Cord
The phone cord that is! Goodbye SBC! and good riddance. Tired of paying all that money for a phone we hardly use. We are changing our “home” phone # to be one of our cell #’s.
Don’t you hate DVD’s that have previews of other movies at the start (before you get to the menu)? I bought two DVD’s recently, Lost In Translation and The Gods Must Be Crazy. The latter is done right: after the obligatory copy warnings, the DVD takes you immediately to the menu screens. Lost In Translation was the opposite. And that sucks. Preview upon preview. I think I would pay extra in order to get a “preview-free” version of a DVD.
And why do they put that loud THX part on the kids movies? It scares the bejeezus out of them! I have to think that the Pixar DVD’s are best, because after the Disney and Pixar logos, the menu sequence starts right up. Just one more reason to love Pixar.
Today I Must Decide
Mariko gave me a deadline of today to decide on at least five names for the new baby. Right now I have a group of ten, which I am adding to, then going to narrow it down a bit. After that, Mariko is going to see if they are ok for a Japanese person to pronounce, and also she will be deciding on a Japanese name. This is tough!!!
Out of Focus
Getting Ready for Baby
Mariko and I have been cleaning up the house, getting rid of lots of junk, and organizing Bay’s old clothes in preparation for the new baby. We still haven’t decided on a name. In fact, I have until tomorrow night to have five names picked out… In addition to getting the house ready, I am getting this site ready to put in multiple different blogs. And even a new photo site for the kids. It should be ready in a couple days. I installed pMachine 2.3, and it is working nicely.
Bay’s site hasn’t been working consistently for the past few months. I am going to try to recreate it on this main takoyaki.org site, but the old URL bay.takoyaki.org should still work. It’ll just point to the new page. I might have to recreate the old posts from scratch, unless I can figure out a way to export the old mySQL database… Aw, forget it. I’ll just do it by hand. 🙂
Welcome to the Takoyaki Forums!
This is a friendly place to share all of your questions and thoughts about the wonderful Japanese delicacy, takoyaki. I hope this can be a great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to make this delicious food.
Carnival Time!
We went to the carnival after dinner. I rode the caterpillars!