
As I was driving to work today, I saw a car with California plates, and noticed the registration stickers on it. Here in Texas, our registration stickers go in the corner of the windshield. I looked at mine and noticed that they still said “03”. October ’03. Hmmm. I could have sworn I put the new sticker on. I am usually pretty good about that. Then I remembered putting the sticker in my glove compartment in September, thinking I would stick it on on the weekend. Then I forgot about it. I guess I will do it tonight. Four months is not that late, is it?

Busy past week

My excuse for not posting in a whole week is: I have been very busy. The truth is that I have been lazy as well. Anyways, work has been crazy. I got four projects that I am working on, two of them are pretty fun, the other two are just normal work. No opinion on those two. The interesting one is some design work which is always good to do. At home Mariko and I have been busy getting our finances in order, and they are looking good. 🙂 We are also preparing for the arrival of our baby, which is due on April 3. Mariko thinks he will arrive early, though.

Yesterday (Superbowl day) I spent the morning in the backyard pulling up weeds and laying down mulch. It is starting to look good again. We have five main areas in our backyard (not including the lawn) and I have finished fixing up two of them. We have this strip along the back fence that always loses dirt and mulch when it rains. I think I am going to buy a few bags of rocks to lay down there instead of dirt. It will actually look pretty nice. I finished my yard work at about noon, then relaxed the rest of the day. For dinner, we had a nice Superbowl meal of Hot Wings and soup. I had fifteen wings. Heh. The funny thing is, we don’t have local tv channels with our satellite dish, so I didn’t even watch the game. I’m not much of a football fan anyways. I can’t wait for baseball season to start…

Dodger Stadium Playing Field

this bit about Dodger Stadium on the Los Angeles Dodgers website and thought it was interesting:

“The 100,000 square feet of bermuda grass is grown on pure sand, beneath which a vacuum chamber is laid over a water-tight plastic barrier that forcibly extracts water during heavy rains. New moisture gauges monitor the field’s water level in coordination with a microprocessor that controls drainage functions. A computer controller has the ability to reverse the scenario and subirrigate when the sand’s moisture reading drops below the optimal level.”

This would be a cool system for my backyard. Speaking of which, I was doing some yardwork yesterday when a snake slithered out of the rocks, then slithered back into the rocks. It scared the bejeezus out of me!

[pic from “2002 Two Guys & a Map Midlife Crisis Tour”]

Found it

I found the gasket set, in case anyone is keeping score. 🙂 I also found the new headlight and extra bulbs. Now I am having trouble with the electrical system (no spark) and am utilizing the collective wisdom of the Yahoo! C70 Group to help me diagnose the problem.

Where did I put it?

I bought a gasket set for my supercub back in October and put it somewhere… Now that I am ready to replace the gaskets in my carb, I can’t find it. Dang! Where could it be? I just need to fix that so that the gas doesn’t leak out anymore, then make sure my spark plug is getting juice and I should be good to go!

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King


I had suspected that I was the last person in Austin to see this movie, and I thought that my suspicions were correct when I entered the theater five minutes before showtime and I was the only one there. Then I thought, this will be too weird seeing this movie, which will have some scary parts, alone in this big theater. Luckily, right before the trailers started, a bunch of people arrived, and I guess the total crowd amounted to about ten. Anyways, the trailers started and there are some cool movies coming out. The one that struck me the most was Captain Somethingorother (I forgot the name) starring Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow and the Tomb Raider girl, whose name I can’t remember right now. It’s got lots of flying scenes, which looked so cool. Ok, on to my movie review.

The Return of the King was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I was totally blown away! The thing about the Lord of the Rings movies is that they are only fantastic if you have read the books. If you didn’t, you’d probably enjoy the first movie, the second will have you saying, “huh?” a few times, and the third will have you saying, “What the f$*k?” a bunch of times. But… if you read the books, you will have already “filled in the blanks” in the plot.