I read that it will get down to 28°F tonight. Time to turn up the heat.
Bay’s Site and Typhoon Design
Over the past couple days, Bay’s site has been acting strangely. It was down, then up, then down, now back up. I am on some discussion boards trying to figure out what is going on. Just to let all of Bay’s fans know what is going on… I have no plans for the site to go away! By the way, the new URL is going to be http://kids.takoyaki.org, which should be working already (depending on the stability of bay.takoyaki.org).
My photo site, Typhoon Design, is back up, but I haven’t hooked up any of the cgi stuff yet. Therefore, the postcards are not working at the moment… I will try to fix it this weekend!
Puffy AmiYumi
I was listening to Eklektikos this morning, and John Aielli played a Puffy song, “Planet Tokyo”. I had recently borrowed the cd from my friend Mikey, and really like it. It’s pretty much like a lot of their older discs, fun and catchy. You can pick up bits and pieces of tons of other songs. Their “Teen Titans” song sounds a lot like “Secret Agent Man”.
I find it funny that in their American songs, they pronounce Tokyo just like an American: the “kyo” part rhymes with “neo”, while the Japanese pronounciation’s “kyo” rhymes with “flow”. I love when they sing in English! But my favorite songs by them have to be Pool Nite from Spike and Nichiyoobi No Musume because it’s got that surf music style.
I was so happy that we got to see them play during SXSW a few years back! Here’s a few pictures from the show:
My Guilty Desire
Yes, I want an iBook. They are so cool. Something I definitely don’t need, but they are so sweet! If anyone wants to give me one, please don’t be shy.
Check out this article about a true sicko. Through the Internet, he found someone willing to let himself be killed and eaten. Here is the craziest paragraph from the CNN story:
“He is alleged to have cut off part of the victim’s body before the pair ate it together. The defendant is then alleged to have cut up the victim, storing his body in a freezer and eating it over the following months.”
For an even more colorful story, read the BBC version. Yeah, don’t bother with the CNN one. Much too bland.
Typhoon Design Transition
If any of you are emailing me at typhoon-design.com, your mail may be bounced for the next couple days. I am in the process of moving all my typhoon-design web and mail services from ServerCentral.net to DreamHost.com. DreamHost is great because I can now host up to three domain names (and 15 subdomains) under the same $9.99 plan. Plus 500MB of space , unlimited mySQL databases, and 60 email accounts (POP or IMAP). It’s awesome!
Strange Thing on my Desk
I am not sure where this came from. Probably from my friend Jeff whom I used to work with. All sorts of weird things end up in our office…
Nursing My Cold
First Bay caught a cold, now I have a cold, and Mariko is also coming down with it. Luckily, it’s not the flu bug that has been going around Texas. I had my flu shot, but this particular flu strain is not the one that my flu shot would have protected me against. Already a handful of people at my work missed several days the past couple weeks. I just hope we get lucky and escape its wrath. Everyone please remember to wash your hands often!
Bay’s Site Up
Not sure what happened, but it certainly wasn’t anything that I did. Anyways, it is back up. Which is good. Because now maybe I can just change the subdomain from bay.takoyaki.org to the new one and hopefully keep the mySQL database intact. woo hoo!
Bay’s Site
bay.takoyaki.org is down for a bit. I think some of the permissions got messed up and I am working with a tech to figure out how to fix it. Sorry! Actually, I think that instead of using a sub-domain for the site, I am just going to create a new blog page, and since we are expecting our second child, I want to combine the blog for both of them (can’t have bay.takoyaki.org for both!) It will take a while to figure out how to restore the bay.takoyaki.org mySQL database into the new blog, and I might just have to redo all the entries by hand. (ack)