Formatting weirdness

I am in the middle of working out the redesign. So, if you go to an older page, the pictures mess up the design. I will fix it tomorrow night. Right now it is almost 1am and I am tired. I am almost done with the blog side of the page, have to put in some for things on the links side of the page, and maybe I will put in thicker borders too…

Opera is cool


The Opera Web Browser, that is. (I do like Opera music too!)

While reading Zannah’s VoxMachina, I ran across a post that discusses Opera and open tabs. I downloaded the latest version of Opera, since I was a version behind, and I am totally impressed (again). The bookmark manager is great, the tabs are wonderful, and I love the popup-blocker. The great thing is that it is free! There is a little banner ad in the top right corner of the window, but it is really unobtrusive. If you’d rather not have the banner ad, you can buy the $29 version which is without ads.


By my work, there is a Subway and a Quizno’s. Today I went to Quizno’s armed with a $2-off coupon when you buy a regular sandwich with chips and drink. I just wanted the sandwich and a water, no soda or chips. Luckily, the cashier didn’t really read the coupon, and was anxious to get out of there (his shift just ended apparently). So, I got a great deal on my lunch. Thanks to Mark Z. for hooking me up with the coupon.

I like to go to Subway too, but their prices went up and it is not such a great deal. Plus I think the sandwiches are better at Quizno’s. Sometimes, though, I am just in the mood for a plain sandwich, and Quizno’s is a little on the fancy side. Heh.

Redesign coming

I am finishing up a new design, which I like better than the existing one. So, I will be switching Takoyaki over to the new format in the next few days. I am also going to jettison some of the sections that I have not updated in a while. And I guess I will stop Takoyaki Radio too, since the playlist is real old! Apparently there was an error loading the station so no one could listen to it anyways…

I also am going to get rid of the menu at the top, which worked great on the PC, but was all messed up on the Mac, especially for my fans who use Safari. 🙂 I will probably just have some links on the side to the sections I will keep (Photos, Japan stuff, Austin stuff, and maybe a couple others. I also want to make use of the categories feature for my weblog! The width of the page will drop to 600 pixels, and the blog content will be on the left side. This will make it easier to read for people viewing the page with Pocket PC browsers. Click here to see a preview.

Goodbye iMac!


We finally sold our iMac. A friend from work took it off our hands and will upgrade it and get it ready for his kids. I am glad it will go to a good house, with a real mac-person to look after it. As for us, we have our coffee table back! Whoopee!

Old Movies


Last night I went to bed at about 9 o’clock. I woke up at around 1 and couldn’t get back to sleep for about half an hour. One of the weird things that I thought about was the movie “Duel”. I have no idea why I thought of that. I haven’t thought of that movie in probably ten years or more. But, I remember the movie vividly. I was only three when the movie came out, so my first time seeing it was on tv. That movie freaked me out. Especially the part when he was stuck on the railroad tracks and his Dart wouldn’t start. Man, Dennis Weaver played the part perfectly. And the scene with the snake farm was just too strange. I love the ending, with Weaver wedging his briefcase against the accelerator and ramming the truck, and later we see the driver of the truck’s cowboy boot. Anyways, what a great movie. My friends and I growing up in elementary school and high school used to talk about that movie a lot.


After thinking about that for a while, I tried to think of other movies that my friends and I liked. There were the blockbusters like Star Wars of course, but one of the more obscure ones we liked (and that we only saw on tv) was The Mechanic starring Charles Bronson and Jan-Michael Vincent. That chase scene on the cliffs where Steve McKenna (Jan-Micheal Vincent) says, “This is getting hairy,” was awesome. Another choice line was “Brucine…” But the best one had to be, “Chickin’ Lickin’ is lickin’ chicken.” Hehehehe. “Wise guy.”

Local Dodgers Fans


In the past few weeks, I have see several people wearing Dodgers shirts, hats, and even a jacket. It has been really weird. I don’t know if they are true blue fans, or just think it is cool. At any rate, the season is drawing to a close, and the Dodgers are 2 games out of the wildcard race. Let’s hope they can continue their 5-game winning streak.

I was reading Eric Neel’s reviews of the big league ballparks and he gave Dodger Stadium a pretty good review. I agree with just about everything he says. Here’s some of my favorite quotes:

“Signature concession item: It’s the Dodger Dogs. Rumor has it they’re soaked in beer, before being boiled, and then grilled. That’s a lot of love for $3.50.”

“Bathrooms: The park shows its age a little here. Some tile erosion, some dim lighting. Clean, but not plush. (And just so we’re clear: Troughs never impress.)”

“Knowledge of local fans: The standard line is that the Dodger faithful are late-arriving, early-leaving, apathetic and uninformed fans. The standard line is tired and untrue. They’re not apathetic and uninformed. (And they’ve got Vin on the radio.)”

I don’t think I have ever left a game early, although I did arrive a few times late.

Alien Ant Farm’s Pee-Chee Cover


I was at Best Buy at lunch looking around and this cd caught my eye. I have never heard Alien Ant Farm’s music, but they have a cool cd cover.

A while back, I asked around the office if anyone remembered Pee-Chee folders, and most people didn’t. I was wondering if it was a regional thing, or age thing. I didn’t find out for sure… I posted a message about this on my site and my mom got me a couple colored Pee-Chee folders for xmas, which I am actually using. They didn’t have the assorted colors back in my day, and some of the drawings have changed, but the original look ‘n feel remains.