Where’s the Laptop?

So we ordered a Dell laptop a couple weeks ago to replace Mariko’s aging desktop machine. The Dell factory is probably about a 10-15 minute drive from our house. For some silly reason, the computer has been shipped, but is up in Dallas being sorted, then it will be shipped back down here. Sheesh, I wish I could have driven to the factory and just picked it up…

Anyways, we got a wireless router and card for it, so Mariko should be able to login from anywhere in the house. We can finally get rid of our iMac that is downstairs, along with the super-long network cable that snakes down the stairway. Yay!

Trip to the Library

Today we went to the Austin Public Library. It was great! I used to work at the library in my hometown, and then at the library at my University, but I haven’t been to one in a long long time. Maybe ten years. I had forgotten how great they are. The Austin Public Library is very nice, the collection is decent size, and they have a nice children’s book section. Unfortunately we could only check out two books yesterday because I got a new library card, but the next time we go back, I am going to get a bunch! Although the main library is downtown on 8th and Guadalupe, we can return books to any branch library. They have an internet login too, so I can reserve books online, and check the status of books and the due date, etc.

Eklektikos on KUT

For those of you living in Austin and listen to KUT 90.5 you know that Eklektikos is a show on everyday for several hours. The regular host, John Aielli, has been on vacation and Jeff McCord has been sitting in for him. Man, Mr. McCord is soooo much better than Aielli. Usually for me, right after Morning Edition is over, it’s time to put in a CD. But not when Jeff McCord is at the controls. He consistently plays great music, lots of really quality stuff. Most of the songs are by bands I have never heard of, but definitely want to hear more of. When John Aielli is at the helm, it’s really hit or miss. Mostly miss. Please give Jeff McCord more airtime!

Excerpts From Student Essays

The following are actual excerpts from real student essays:

During the Renaissance America began. Christopher Columbus was a great navigator who discovered America while cursing about the Atlantic. His ships were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Fe. Later the Pilgrims crossed the Ocean, and this was known as Pilgrims Progress. When they landed at Plymouth Rock, they were greeted by the Indians, who came down the hill rolling their war hoops before them. The Indian squabs carried porpoises on their backs. Many of the Indian heroes were killed, along with their cabooses, which proved very fatal to them. The winter of 1680 was a hard one for the settlers. Many people died and many babies were born. Captain John Smith was responsible for all this.

[via Mark Z]

Texas Heat

Man, it’s starting to get hot. I checked out the 8-day forecast and is shows today and tomorrow with a high of 99° followed by 100+° temperatures thru Sunday.

Bay Falls Asleep

We were eating dinner at about 6pm this evening, and Bay fell asleep in his chair. It was funny. During the week, the kids in his class at daycare have a nap from about 12noon to 2pm. On the weekends, Bay doesn’t want to take a nap. I guess it finally caught up to him. I wish I had my camera there to take a picture of him. His eyes just started to close, and then he was out. Still sitting in his chair. Anyways, we took him upstairs and brushed his teeth and put him in bed.

Saw Another Accident

Today as Bay and I were driving to daycare we saw another accident. This one was less serious than the other one we saw. We were stopped in bumper to bumper traffic and I was comparing the size of a Ford Escape and the Ford Explorer that was behind it. My lane started moving, so I inched up. The Explorer also started going. The problem was that the Escape had not moved. So the Explorer just rear-ended the Escape. It didn’t look like there was any damage.

It’s funny how people can start accelerating without looking at what’s in front of them.

Running Again

I started running again last night. I got a new pair of shoes and headed out. I lasted only about 15 minutes. Today my legs are totally sore. Even though I could not run far, if felt good to actually feel my heart pumping and muscles working.

I remember back when my friend Mike and I used to run around UCLA. That was fun, I guess we ran about four miles every couple days. And in Japan Mariko and I belonged to a health club and I was running eight miles about four times a week. That was interesting because the treadmill I used was in kilometers, so it was kind of “new”. I don’t think I will be running that far, but I hope to run just as frequently, and bike too.