Friday’s Feast


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?



What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?



Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?

No. I’d need prescription sunglasses, and it’s just a hassle to get.

Main Course

If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?

It depends on the subject. But probably family members.


Name a beverage that you enjoy.

Beer, Wine, Water (in that order)

Scratch on the Eye

Just got back from the ER. Bay scratched his eye at J-school this morning. Apparently he was pulling a folder out of his backpack, and it came out kind of fast and the corner hit his eye. The doctor put in some yellow dye, then looked through a big magnifying glass that had some black lights on it, and showed me the scratch. It just looked like a tiny dot. It’s not serious, but we have to put some eyedrops in 4 times a day for a few days. Bay was a little disappointed that he doesn’t have to wear an eyepatch.

Sore Legs

After I run, my legs are usually sore for the rest of the day, and maybe the next day as well. But it’s a good type of soreness. Unlike a sore neck or back, it’s not a pain. 🙂 Maybe it’s tied to a sense of accomplishment. Whatever it is, to me it’s just another benefit of running. Although the frequency of my runs goes through its ups and downs, the sore muscles are always something that will follow.

RC Yacht

About 12 years ago, my brother and I got into RC sailboats. We had been interested in RC cars for a while, both owning 2WD buggies, and so when my brother saw sailboats cruising around Mason Park in Irvine, he decided to get one, and I decided to get one as well. We both bought 1-meter boats from Victor Model Products, me going with the “Spirit of ’92” (pictured above) and my bro going with the “America3. The boats came unassembled, which was fine because I always enjoyed building models when I was a kid, and this was just a big (much bigger!) model. It took some time, but wasn’t difficult, and the ship was beautiful. I only got to put her in the water a couple times, but it was tons of fun sailing her around!

Fast forward to today, and I have caught the RC sailboat fever again. My brother still has his sailboat, but mine is probably long gone (I left it at with a friend before I moved to Japan, and I am not exactly sure what happened to it). I was doing some research on local clubs here in Austin, and there is a fairly active one that sails twice a month at ponds nearby. The boat that they mainly use is the Victoria by Thunder Tiger. It’s a smaller boat than the one I had before, but still sails well. The smaller size also means that it is easier to transport, and takes up less room in the house (The mast can also be quickly disassembled). I think the sailboat looks pretty cool, but maybe the wife wouldn’t think so.

At any rate, I am thinking of getting one again. The Victoria is actually cheaper than the 1-meter boat I had, and assembly is similar. I am going to check out the local club soon and see the sailboats and decide if I want to really get back into it. Seems like fun, and the cool thing about this hobby is that it isn’t an ongoing investment: once you buy the kit and radio control gear, your only further expense would be batteries.


Was listening to MacBreak Weekly Ep. 59 this morning, and they were talking about the MP3 store, so I decided to check it out. It’s pretty awesome. So simple to use, and songs are mostly 89 or 99 cents to download. They are DRM-free, and are encoded at 256kbps. It’s so nice to be able to just download an mp3, no strings attached, and then transfer it to any music player or music library. This is a really great alternative to the iTunes Store, especially because the iTunes Store on a Windows machine is slow as a dog if you have a large library.